Monday, May 21, 2018

In class today

Hi Class -
Well, seniors - you made it. Today is your last day! Listed below are some options for how you can spend the period. Thank you for a fun semester. I wish you all nothing but the best in the future, and I'm excited to watch you walk across the stage at Ravinia!

Sophomores and Juniors: You should be reading your book, or beginning your entries. But if you would like to just hang out with the seniors, that's ok today!

I hope you all have a good day, and I'm sorry I'm not with you today!
Mrs. Allen

Some options for today:

  1. I was reading an article this weekend about how people remember high school as "the good ole days" but most people's memories are high school aren't very accurate. How accurate do you think your memories of high school will be? How accurate would you want them to be? Would you rather remember high school as it was, or better than it was? Discuss this as a group.
  2. The New York Times this weekend has a column on Advice for College Students. Read through some and discuss interesting ideas with each other.
  3. Send me an email with any thoughts you have on things I should or shouldn't do in Sociology next year. What activities / resources have you really liked, or not liked this semester.?
  4. Sign yearbooks. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The effects of poverty

First we will look at who the poverty line is determined in the U.S. by looking at slide 20 of the Social Stratification Powerpoint.

Next, we will look at the various ways growing up and living in poverty affects Americans. Read and take notes on the following 3 articles. Write one combined response to all three articles.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Housing and opportunities

Today we will discuss how where you live affects your life chances. We will read about Deerfield's history of racial segregation (p.108-110).

To understand how the legacy of segregation affects us today, move into pairs and pick one of the following articles to read and take notes on:
Share your notes with your partner and discuss both articles.

For homework, read and take notes on "Where are the hardest places to live in the U.S.?"

Monday, May 7, 2018

Friday, May 4, 2018

Modern Race Relations Webquest

Today we will finish watching "Crash".

You will then begin work on the Modern Race Relations webquest, which will be due Tues. for period 5, and Wed. for period 7.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Beginning today, we will be watching the movie "Crash" (CP p.106-107). We will finish the movie on Friday.

For Friday, read and take notes on ebook pages 300-317 (beginning with “Race-Ethnic Relations in the U.S.)

Friday, April 27, 2018


Today we will discuss the concept of privilege, and the role it plays in our lives. First, you will individually complete the White Privilege check list on (CP p.90). Then in groups, you read and discuss examples of privilege related to: race, gender, sexual orientation, and disability status. Finally, you will read: "Just Walk On By" (CP p.94), "Terrorism and Privilege" (CP p.96), and "Privilege: Who Really Has It?" (CP p.98).  Complete the first column of the chart for these 3 articles (CP p.100-101). Complete whatever you don't finish for homework.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Understanding Race

Today we will continue discussing the social construction of race, and the reality of racism.

We will also continue to explore how various groups in our society experience microaggressions:

HW: Complete the Implicit Association Tests on  CP p.104. Don't forget the question at the bottom.

MONDAY: During periods 6 and 7 on Monday, you will be excused from class to come to the auditorium to hear Steen Metz speak about his experiences during the Holocaust. With each passing year, the opportunity to hear first-hand accounts of the Holocaust becomes more and more challenging. While I hope you are able to attend, I understand if you can not miss your 6th or 7th period class. You may only attend if you are able to stay for both periods, since we do not want anyone interrupting or disrespecting Mr. Metz in anyway. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Today we will continue our discussion of micro-aggressions by participating in the Race Card Project.

We will also view and discuss the powerpoint on the social construction of race.

For homework, read and take notes on Ebook pages 283 – 291 (stop at individual and institutional racism).

Monday, April 23, 2018

Introduction to the Social Inequalities Unit

Today we will begin our Social Inequalities. There are two separate but overlapping parts to the unit: social inequalities based on race, and social inequalities based on class. Today we will begin the section of the unit based on race.

We will first begin by learning about and discussing the idea of microaggressions:

Friday, April 20, 2018

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Deviance Test, and Ted Talks

Today is the Deviance Unit Test.

When you have finished the test, complete the assignment on the Deviance Ted Talks.

Homework: Complete the Deviance Ted Talk assignment, and upload it to turnitin by the start of class on Friday.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Race to Execution

Today we will continue watching "Race to Execution".

For the test on the Deviance Unit on Thursday, review the following:
  • The Deviance Powerpoint
  • Ebook readings
  • The prison system and the death penalty in America

Monday, April 16, 2018

The Death Penalty

Today we will discuss the ultimate formal negative sanction our society imposes: the Death Penalty.

Take your best guess at the true/false statements on p. 86-87. Visit Facts about the Death Penalty to check your answers. When you have finished, answer Reflection Question 1 on p. 87.

In the remaining time, we will begin watching "Race to Execution". We will complete this video tomorrow.

The Deviance Unit Test will be on Thursday, 4/19.

For homework before the test, read and take notes on ebook pages:

  • P.174-175 - The Power of Labels: the Saints and the Roughnecks
  • P.177-179 - Illegitimate Opportunity Structures: Social Class and Crime
  • P.181-182 - The Criminal Justice System as an Instrument of Oppression
  • P.184-185 - “The Strikes and You’re Out” Unintended Consequences of Well-Intented Laws

Friday, April 13, 2018

The American Prison System

Today we will discuss the American prison, what the goals of the prison system are, and how well those goals are met. We will compare our prison system to Norwegian prison system by looking at the Balstoy Prison.

We will also look at the Trump Administration's approach to prisons by watching  "What in the World: Dutch lesson on prison reform - CNN Video from Fareed Zakaria"

For homework, explore and take notes on these resources on the American Prison System:

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Famous Deviants

Today we will work on applying the theories of deviance to real life examples by completing the Famous Deviants assignment. This assignment is due tomorrow, Friday, April 13.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Deviance Comic Strip

Today and Wednesday in class, you will work individually or with one partner on the Johnny Be Deviant comic strip. The comic strip is due at the start of class on Thursday.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Theories of Deviance and Techniques of Neutralization

Today we will continue our Introduction to Deviance by discussing the theories of why deviance occurs, and how people neutralize the deviant acts they commit.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Introduction to Deviance

Today we will begin our unit on deviance by ranking deviance activities (CP p.82). We will then begin learning some of the ideas ideas and terms by discussing the Introduction to Deviance powerpoint.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Socialization Test

Today you will take the Socialization Unit Test.

After the test, work on the Socialization Ted Talks assigned on Friday.

For homework, complete and upload the Socialization Ted Talks.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Review and Ted Talks

Today you have three options for how you would like to spend the class time today.

  1. Make up any work you have missing from the unit.
  2. Work on creating your note-sheet to review for the Socialization Unit Test. 
  3. Begin the Socialization Ted Talks.  This assignment is due on by the start of class on Wed, 3/28. Because this test is a shorter one, you will likely also have time to work on this after the test on Mon/Tues.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Gender Socialization (continued)

Today we will continue our discussion of gender socialization by looking at some quotes from the trailer of Miss Representation.

We will then discuss the Gender Inequalities Powerpoint.

For homework, begin to review for the Socialization Unit Test. (Monday for 5th Period, Tuesday for 7th Period).

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Gender Socialization in the 21st Century

Today, we will discuss the webquest. We will look at how children's toys have become more sexualized by looking at Toys Get Tarted Up

We will watch the trailer to the documentary Miss Representation Make a copy of the quotes from the trailer. Italicize 3 quotes that stand out to you

HW: Read and respond: What Boys Want - Respond including at least 2 specific examples from the article, and two specific examples your own experiences. Upload your response to by the start of the next class period.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Completing the Gender Webquest

Today in class, you will have work time on the Gender Webquest. It must be uploaded before the start of the next class period.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Gender Webquest

Today we will continue our discussion of gender socialization by completing a gender webquest.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Transgender Kids

Today we will be looking at a couple of transgender kids, and the culture in which they grow up.
HW: Complete the Agents of Socialization Project, and bring headphones for class tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Gender Socialization

Today we will begin discussing how your gender affects the way in which you are socialized: gender socialization.

HW: Work on your agents of socialization project.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Socialization by Age and Gender

In class last week, we talked about the nature / nurture debate. The Mixed Up Brothers of Bogota is one of the most interesting articles I have ever read on this topic. If you would like to read this article for up to 10 points extra credit, take detailed notes as you read. When you have finished the article, write a one paragraph response. This extra credit opportunity is due next Monday in class.

Today we will discuss "A Nation of Wimps" and begin our discussion of gender socialization.

For homework, read the article "Life, With Dementia (in Prison)" (CP p.74-76). Answer the questions on p.77 and be sure to include textual evidence.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Nature / Nurture and Birth Order

Today we will discuss the nature / nurture debate, and look at the role birth order plays in a person's socialization.

We will then read and discuss Reframing how we see student self-concept (CP p.64-65)

HW: Read: A Nation of wimps (CP p.66-72) and answer the following questions :

  1. What are some examples of overparenting from the article?
  2. What are some disadvantages to children of parents who over-parent?
  3. What are some statements you agree / disagree with and why?
  4. What are some examples of overparenting from yours or your friends' lives?
  5. This article is 10 years old. Is it out of date? Explain why or why not.
Upload your answers to by the start of class on Monday

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Scoring Temperament Surveys

Today we will continue discussing the aspects of temperament. considering the benefits and drawbacks of the extremes of each aspect (CP p.62).

We will then score the temperaments surveys you completed with your parents (CP p.53-57)

HW: Take notes on ebook pages 85-91.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Today, we will go over an interview project you will be doing on the Agents of Socialization

We will discuss “Wild Child” and the impact of growing up in poverty.

In discussing socialization, we will go over the topic of temperament and take the quiz “Are you an introvert or an extrovert?” (p.60) After the introvert quiz, we will watch The Power of Introverts and answer and discuss questions (CP p. 61 ). If time remains, we will look at the other four aspects of Temperament

For homework:
  1. You and one of your parents should each complete temperament survey about yourself. (CP p.54-55)
  2. Work on setting up your interviews for the Agents of Socialization project

Friday, March 2, 2018

Introduction to Socialization

Today we will begin our unit on Socialization by attempting to understand the lessons of feral children, those who grow up without human interaction.

Watch "Wild Child: The Story of Feral Children" and take notes on CP p.52.

After the video, read Poverty, Neglect in Childhood Affect Brain Size (CP p.53)

  1. Respond on a separate piece of paper to both the “Wild Child” video and the article. What is the connection between the two?

For homework due Tues., read and take notes on ebook p. 68-76.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Culture Unit Test

Today you will take the Culture Unit Test.

When you are done with the test, or for homework:
Read the article “Must Globalization Mean Sweatshop Labor?” (CP p.48) Answer the following three questions, using quotes from the article in your answers
  1. Analyze sweatshops from a functionalist perspective 
  2. Analyze sweatshops from a conflict perspective 
  3. Which perspective do you find more persuasive for understanding sweatshop labor?
Upload your document to turnitin.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Monday, February 26, 2018

Subcultures and Countercultures

Today we will wrap up our discussion of reactions to  Cultural Variation.

We will then begin our discussion of Subcultures, Countercultures, and Social Worlds

For homework, work on your review guide for the test on Thurs.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Norms in Other Countries

Today we will be exploring the cultures and customs in other countries, using this website:
  1. Search for your assigned country (below) 
  2. Read and take notes on the article about your country. 
  3. For you, what would be most the 3 most challenging aspects of traveling to this country? 
  4. Enter your 3 points into the class google doc (below) 
  5. Once everyone has entered their 3 points, look over the document. 
  6. In your notes, write down: in which 3 countries you would have the hardest time adapting? Why?

Afghanistan - Desteny
Brazil - Joie
Chile - Chloe
China - Hannah
Kenya - Steven
India - Sloan
Japan - Kaitlyn
South Korea - Tyna
Czech Republic - Jay
Mexico - Wes
Pakistan - Jiwon
Poland - Julie
Russia - Isabella
Saudi Arabia - Avia
Dubai and UAE - Kelsey
France - Emma
Nigeria - Jackie
Vietnam - Olivia
Romania - Danny

Period 7 - Class Reflection - Norms in Other Countries
Afghanistan - Kayla 
Brazil - Evo
Chile - Josh
Kenya - Diana
India - Hannah
Japan - Laura
South Korea - Kasia
Czech Republic - Mark
Pakistan - Ryder
Nigeria - Katherine
Mexico - Jenna
Poland - Molly
Russia - Ryan
Saudi Arabia - Ethan

When you have completed the exploring culture differences in other cultures, explore these resources for the remainder of the period (in any order):
Homework: No new work. Begin studying for the test next Thurs.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Reaction to Cultural Variation

Today we will discuss the various ways individuals and societies react to Cultural Variation

For homework: Read the article "Missionaries Accuse Indians of Killing Babies" (CP p. 46-47). Write a paragraph explaining whether this is a situation you feel should be viewed with cultural relativism. Include specifics from the article in your paragraph.

The Culture Unit Test will be on March 1.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Language and Culture

Today, we will complete and discuss the following:
  1. Review / Discuss American values:
    1. Complete and share “components of culture” (p.32-33)
    2. “Culture Change for Mate Preference” (CP p.34-36)
  2. How Do You Say Hello? 4 min.
  3. Powerpoint on Culture and Language
    1. The Power Of Language in Allowing Genocide
  4. HW: Read, highlight and annotate the following articles, beginning on CP p. 38:
    1. “Great Excuse for Poor Math Skills” ,
    2. “What is Black?” 
    3. “Dropping the N-Word”
    4. “Pricks and Chicks” 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Cultural values and linguistic relativity

First, we will explore cultural differences by discussing “How to live wisely”

Then, we will introduce the idea of linguistic relativity by watching the video: How Language Affects Thought. We will explore how this concept plays out in our own culture by discussing language related to gender.

HW: Continue the textbook notes

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Values, Norms and Sanctions (continued)

Today we will finish the powerpoint on Values, Norms and Sanctions.

HW: Textbook notes for this week are on p. 41-61 (stop after “cultural universals”)

Monday, February 12, 2018

Values, Norms, and Sanctions

Today, we will continue our culture unit by discussing Values, Norms, and Sanctions

HW: Textbook notes for this week are on p. 41-61 (stop after “cultural universals”)

Thursday, February 8, 2018

The Social Construction of Reality

Today we will begin our Culture Unit by introducing the idea of the Social Construction of Reality

For homework, read about the Social Construction of Time and Childhood (CP p. 24-27) Answer the questions about time and childhood (CP p.28-29)

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Unit 1 Test

Today in class, you will take the Unit 1 Test on the Sociological Perspective. There is no homework.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Unit 1 Review

Today we will review for the unit test on Tues. (Per. 5) and Wed. (Per.7). We will discuss the note-sheet, as well as the note-section on the test.

Friday, February 2, 2018

CNN Heroes

Period 5:

Please work on the following assignment in class today: CNN Heroes. The assignment is due on turnitin before the start of class on Monday.

Review the following for the test on Tues: Review Guide for Unit 1 Test

Period 7: 

We will continue the learning about the 3 Perspectives of Sociology, focusing on the Conflict and the Symbolic Interactionist Perspectives. Complete the Ebook notes for homework.

Review the following for the test on Wed.: Review Guide for Unit 1 Test

Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Three Perspectives of Sociology

Period 5 -
Today in class, we will continue taking notes on “3 Sociological Perspectives”, focusing on the Conflict and Symbolic Interaction Perspective.

We will then read and discuss Warren Buffett's "My Philanthropic Pledge"(CP p.18-19).  How does his understanding of the connection between the personal and the public lead him to make his giving pledge?

HW (to be completed by Friday):

Read pgs 3-9 (stop at Sociology in North America) and 12-19 in the etext and take notes.

Period 7 -

Today in class, we will begin taking notes on “3 Sociological Perspectives”.

HW (to be completed by Monday):

Read pgs 3-9 (stop at Sociology in North America) and 12-19 in the etext and take notes.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

CNN Heroes

Wed. Per. 7

In your coursepacks, read Warren Buffett's "My Philanthropic Pledge". In small groups, discuss where Buffett demonstrates an understanding of the Sociological Perspective. Refer to the pledge specifically. How does his understanding of the connection between the personal and the public lead him to make his giving pledge?

Begin the CNN Heroes assignment. This assignment should be uploaded to turnitin before the start of class tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Three Perspectives of Sociology

Per. 5  on Tues. -
Today in class, I will introduce the three perspectives of Sociology with the 3 perspectives powerpoint.

HW (to be completed by Friday):
Read pgs 3-9 (stop at Sociology in North America) and 12-19 in the etext and take notes.

Monday, January 29, 2018

The Worst or Best Generation

Today in class, we will discuss the speech you watched over the weekend: You're Not That Special

We will then watch a video with a very different take on your generation: Why Generation Me Might Be the Best Thing

Which one do you agree with to a greater extent?

We will then read and discuss some of the information in the following three articles:
Teen Depression and Anxiety: Why the Kids Are Not Alright
Today’s Exhausted Superkids
Advice for 20-Somethings From Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and Geniuses

Friday, January 26, 2018

Generations in America

Today we will look at how examining the characteristics of different generations can help us understand the Sociological Perspective.

Picking your child's name feels very personal, and yet there are societal trends: Find Out What Your Name Would be if You Were Born Today

What are the characteristics of the various generations in America today, and how do these differences play out in day to day life?

For homework, watch the graduation speech You're Not That Special. Think about: what has been unique about the childhood of Millenials, and what challenges do this pose as they become adults?

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Sociological Perspective / Imagination

Get your ebook set up by following these directions: Pearson Ebook Registration

Next we will discuss the concept of the “Sociological Imagination”, and read “The intersection of biography and history” (CP p.12-13)
to get examples of the Sociological Imagination / Perspective.

For homework:

Write a 1 page reflection (typed, proofread) on an issue in which you can see
the Sociological Imagination at play in your own life
(one paragraph personal, one paragraph public).
Submit on

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Introduction to Sociology

Today we begin to see what the world looks like from a sociological point of view by discussing and viewing the powerpoint: “Intro to Sociology”

For homework: Read “Taking a new look at a familiar world” (CP p.5-9) and take notes.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Welcome to Sociology!

Welcome to Sociology! I'm looking forward to our semester together.

Today we will go over the course outline: Sociology Course Outline

We will also be looking at the way the ideas of Sociology are all around us by looking at Sociology in the News (CP p.1-2)

For homework,
  1. Read "Invitation to Sociology" (CP p.3-4) - highlight, annotate and be ready to discuss.
  2. Get your supplies and signatures for end of the week
  3. Complete the "Introductory Questions" on turnitin:
    1. My best moment over winter break was:
    2. 3 adjectives that best describe me are:
    3. In order to understand me, you should know:

Turnitin login instructions:

Please be sure to enroll in the correct period!

Period 5:
Class ID:17276926
Enrollment key: Allen

Period 7:
Class ID: 17276963
Enrollment key: Allen