Wednesday, January 31, 2018

CNN Heroes

Wed. Per. 7

In your coursepacks, read Warren Buffett's "My Philanthropic Pledge". In small groups, discuss where Buffett demonstrates an understanding of the Sociological Perspective. Refer to the pledge specifically. How does his understanding of the connection between the personal and the public lead him to make his giving pledge?

Begin the CNN Heroes assignment. This assignment should be uploaded to turnitin before the start of class tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Three Perspectives of Sociology

Per. 5  on Tues. -
Today in class, I will introduce the three perspectives of Sociology with the 3 perspectives powerpoint.

HW (to be completed by Friday):
Read pgs 3-9 (stop at Sociology in North America) and 12-19 in the etext and take notes.

Monday, January 29, 2018

The Worst or Best Generation

Today in class, we will discuss the speech you watched over the weekend: You're Not That Special

We will then watch a video with a very different take on your generation: Why Generation Me Might Be the Best Thing

Which one do you agree with to a greater extent?

We will then read and discuss some of the information in the following three articles:
Teen Depression and Anxiety: Why the Kids Are Not Alright
Today’s Exhausted Superkids
Advice for 20-Somethings From Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and Geniuses

Friday, January 26, 2018

Generations in America

Today we will look at how examining the characteristics of different generations can help us understand the Sociological Perspective.

Picking your child's name feels very personal, and yet there are societal trends: Find Out What Your Name Would be if You Were Born Today

What are the characteristics of the various generations in America today, and how do these differences play out in day to day life?

For homework, watch the graduation speech You're Not That Special. Think about: what has been unique about the childhood of Millenials, and what challenges do this pose as they become adults?

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Sociological Perspective / Imagination

Get your ebook set up by following these directions: Pearson Ebook Registration

Next we will discuss the concept of the “Sociological Imagination”, and read “The intersection of biography and history” (CP p.12-13)
to get examples of the Sociological Imagination / Perspective.

For homework:

Write a 1 page reflection (typed, proofread) on an issue in which you can see
the Sociological Imagination at play in your own life
(one paragraph personal, one paragraph public).
Submit on

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Introduction to Sociology

Today we begin to see what the world looks like from a sociological point of view by discussing and viewing the powerpoint: “Intro to Sociology”

For homework: Read “Taking a new look at a familiar world” (CP p.5-9) and take notes.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Welcome to Sociology!

Welcome to Sociology! I'm looking forward to our semester together.

Today we will go over the course outline: Sociology Course Outline

We will also be looking at the way the ideas of Sociology are all around us by looking at Sociology in the News (CP p.1-2)

For homework,
  1. Read "Invitation to Sociology" (CP p.3-4) - highlight, annotate and be ready to discuss.
  2. Get your supplies and signatures for end of the week
  3. Complete the "Introductory Questions" on turnitin:
    1. My best moment over winter break was:
    2. 3 adjectives that best describe me are:
    3. In order to understand me, you should know:

Turnitin login instructions:

Please be sure to enroll in the correct period!

Period 5:
Class ID:17276926
Enrollment key: Allen

Period 7:
Class ID: 17276963
Enrollment key: Allen